Conrad Satala

Goddess of White Chocolate

Conrad Satala
Goddess of White Chocolate

Goddess of White Chocolate

I found myself traveling to Paris for the very first time. It is as romantic as people say it is. Just before I left for my trip, I had painted the Goddess of Chocolate. I hadn’t been in Paris very long before a thought occurred to me. If there is a Goddess of Chocolate, then there must also be a Goddess of White Chocolate.

Perhaps because of my location I saw her in a white powdered sugar wig. Her dress was all in white and latté colored lace. She looked like she could make Marie Antoinette jealous.

She raised one hand to “pop” a French meringue into her mouth. Her other hand had shaken out a fan and if by magic, the white chocolate appeared. It floated above, white chocolate bon bon's and white chocolate tarts with white cherry and red strawberries dripping over the edges. Cream-filled cookies and treats of all kinds swirled out to tempt us. I was sure it would be easy to grab one.

I beg the question, “Can anyone resist such decadence?” I think not. The finishing touch was her white chocolate cupcake hat with, of course, a French ostrich feather falling to its side.

This Goddess’s image haunted me in every palace I visited and every chocolate shop I traveled to in Paris. I sampled her wares every chance I got, and she did not disappoint. Best of all, I appreciated her chocolate magic, because every time I ate the fruits of her labor I could not help but smile.

Truth is, life without White Chocolate simply would not be as sweet!